Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cell Phone Etiquette

As the Rudes Get Ruder, the Scolds Get Scoldier!

How have you responded to loud cell phone talkers? Moved away? Told them to keep it down? Asked them for more clarification while they were conversing?

For some reason, people talking loudly on their cell phones in public still are missing all the news lately that it is annoying to others, a breach of confidentiality, and generally rude.

To read more:

Your Professional Image and Business Success

What Does Your Closet Say About You and Your Image?

PINK Magazine and Corset Personal Styling surveyed young professionals, senior managers, and business owners on the importance of personal style on business.

Over 60% of women say style impacts career success, yet many claim they have "nothing to wear." More than 25% of CEOs, female executives and business owners admitted to withholding an employee’s promotion or raise because of how she dresses at work.

To read more: