What does your social media say about you? Most of us have heard that recruiters review a candidate's Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, and other social media posts. Even though this is true, many people are lax in ensuring their posts show them in the most flattering, knowledgeable, and professional light in terms of a job search.
A recent study by Reppler finds that 91% of recruiters review your posts as part of their screening, with Facebook coming in at the number one social media reviewed at 76%.
Interestingly, almost 50% of the recruiters in the study review this information after receiving the application...before ever speaking with the candidate.
It is so important to be sure your posts are the best portrayal of the professional you prior to the job search because the study also found that 69% of recruiters have rejected candidates based on their posts! Conversely, 68% have hired candidates based on what the recruiter saw on the posts.
So...which bucket do you want to be in?
Get going now and "professionalize" your online presence!