Saturday, April 28, 2012

Can I Apply Lipstick and Powder at the Dinner Table?

In workshops, I have often been asked if it is appropriate to apply lipstick and powder at the dining table. Etiquette guidelines have changed over the past 60-70 years on this subject which has led to some confusion. From an etiquette perspective, here’s the scoop.

In the 1950s, it was perfectly acceptable to powder ones nose at the table, whereas today it is considered inappropriate. Excuse yourself to the restroom for a quick powder touch up.

Regarding lipstick, if you are with friends, it is fine to quickly and discreetly apply lipstick after the meal (though no lip liner, and without using a mirror).

If you are at a business meal, applying lipstick and other makeup touch ups are best done in the restroom. You want to be remembered for your business savvy, not your makeup application savvy.