Saturday, May 10, 2014

Remembering My Grandmother on Mother's Day

My grandma Helen was always a rock in my world. Though I lived out of state for the first ten years of my life, visiting my grandparents was always filled with joy and love. Some of my most happy memories are of visiting her and my grandfather at Christmas, Easter, and the summer months.
As the only granddaughter of six grandchildren, some might say I was a little spoiled. And I suppose that was true. My grandma, the youngest of twelve children, was a little bit spoiled too. In some ways, it was more like we were mother/daughter, sisters or best friends, or all of these. We were, and still are, very close.

I have such wonderful memories as a child of sitting on the front steps of her home eating sunflower seeds and smelling the geraniums as the sun set in the summer; shopping and lunching at Dayton’s and at Young Quinlan’s; the lovely flocked Christmas trees each year; exploring the basement in her home…so many wonderful things to find from a child’s perspective; and the wonderful times as an adult shopping, lunching, and just chatting.

It is just a year and a half since she has passed and I miss her everyday. I feel her when I am shopping. I feel her when my aunt and I are out and about. She is right there with us as we laugh while catching up for hours. She is with me when I am sad, her spirit encouraging me as I continue on my journey.
My grandma is around me like bright sparkling glitter that never really is gone. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful grandma still with me from Heaven.

Happy Mother’s Day my dearest Grandma. Sending hugs to Heaven. xoxoxo

June 1964