Monday, February 15, 2010

Search Committee Etiquette

If you are or ever have been on a search committee, you know that much investment of your time is involved. Not only this, there is appropriate etiquette and protocol to follow. Much has been published on candidate etiquette. Here is an interesting article on "Search Committee Etiquette": While written for the academic arena, many of the tips can apply to other arenas. Note the follow-up "comments section" too as there are additional applicable points raised.

Six Search Committee Etiquette Tips Listed:

(1) It is simply serendipity that you are an interviewer, rather than an applicant. Do not assume you are more experienced or capable than the candidate.

(2) Do not cram your candidates’ schedules with solid back-to-back interviews.

(3) If a candidate does not seem fascinated by your institution... it does not mean they do not want the job. It is possible this is a defense mechanism should they never see it again.

Note: I disagree with point #3. From the interviewer's perceptive, if I interview a candidate that does not seem very interested in the organization, our structure, facilities, etc., I would not consider them further. While a lack of enthusiasm may be a defense mechanism for some candidates, this would indicate to me that they would not be a good representative of the organization to the external community. Lack of enthusiasm would be considered poor candidate etiquette as it can cause the interviewer to wonder why the candidate "bothered" to come and "waste their time."

(4) Do not get sidetracked from the goal of the meeting. It is part of the search process, not a faculty get-together.

(5) Make sure you have read the candidate’s resume and made yourself familiar with his or her work. It can be easy to get candidates confused after reading hundreds of resumes. Be prepared.

(6) Finally, follow up with the candidates within two weeks of the visit to let them know their status. Even if you’re unable to release any information, drop them a line to let them know why you haven’t called.