Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Etiquette for Kids

Are your children ready for Halloween? Have your children been planning their costumes since early September? Thinking about all the good candy they will be receiving? Refreshing their Halloween manners? I am guessing "yes" on the first three questions, though "no" on the last question! As Halloween is this week, it is a good time to help them brush up on their Halloween manners. Here are some tips you can share with your children and even post on your fridge. Happy Halloween! 

  • Be kind about the costumes of others. Never say someone has a "stupid" costume.
  • The best time to trick-or-treat is from 7:00pm to 9:00p. It is polite to wait until most people have had dinner, and to finish before people begin getting ready for bed.
  • When you see lights are off at a home, don't ring the doorbell. Just go on to the next house that has the lights on.
  • Go to each home only once, even if you think some have the best candy and you want to go for more.
  • Respect other peoples' property and never smash or take someone else's pumpkins.
  • Ring the doorbell or knock only once and give people time to answer the door. If there is no answer, don't ring or knock again, just go on to the next house.
  • When offered a bowl of candy, take only one piece unless encouraged to take more.
  • If you are offered a bowl of candy to choose from, don't search through the bowl to find your favorite even if you are tempted. Take a piece near the top of the bowl and within easy reach.
  • Some adults will instead put the candy into your bag or bucket so don't reach or ask for more.
  • If you receive a type of candy you don't like, avoid making a face. Simply say "thank you." Remember you might be able to exchange it later with a friend, sibling, or share it with your mom or dad.
  • Always use your best manners. Wait your turn in line. Remember to say "trick or treat" and "thank you."
  • Some grown ups find it fun to provide you with a trick rather than a treat. Never show disappointment. Be polite and say "thank you." After all, it is "trick-or-treat." There will most likely be candy at the next house.
  • It is kind to share your candy with your siblings and parents.
  • If your brother or sister received candy that you want, ask them politely if they would exchange some of their candy for your candy, remembering to use "please" and "thank you." Never just reach over and take their candy. Avoid sulking or becoming angry if they don't want to exchange. Appreciate the candy you received.