As Father's Day is approaching, I thought about how a father's (and mother's) duty is to teach their child manners. This is in all areas: at home, at school, in the community, when out and about, including at restaurants (however informal the venue), and many other areas of their lives.
While visiting Panera in Maple Grove, MN yesterday, I saw a young teen kicking a soccer ball around in the restaurant. What was surprising was (1) he was with his father who said/did nothing to stop the behavior, and (2) Panera staff said/did nothing to stop the behavior.
When I looked at the teen kicking the ball, and then to his father, his father simply pulled the teen out of the main walkway while still allowing his child to continue kicking the ball around.
It is important for parents to be proud of their children and provide encouragement for their child's talents. However, kicking a soccer ball around in a restaurant is not only impolite, it is dangerous.
Unfortunately for this teen, his father missed an opportunity in teaching his son the basics of courtesy toward other patrons and toward staff.
If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, older sibling, or other key adult in a child's life, don't let opportunities to help a young person learn civility and respect pass you by.