Thursday, June 21, 2012

Six Tips to Creating Workplace Civility and Respect

What some may view as little things in the workplace can be larger things to someone else. Here are six seemingly "small" behaviors that that individuals have within their control to enhance and encourage a respectful workplace:
 1.  arriving on time to meetings
 2.  dressing appropriately
 3.  saying "thank you", "I'm sorry"
 4.  giving praise publicly and criticism privately
 5.  considering impact of words and actions on others
 6.  keeping volume down when speaking near others workspaces

You needn't wait for someone else to "make the first move" to create a better work environment. You can take the first step.

Civility isn't one "grandiose event", rather it is many small things that when lacking, stand out like a sore thumb.

For additional reading on workplace civility and civility in general, see the book, The Power of Civility.