Sunday, June 24, 2012

Name Badge Etiquette: Right Side

I was reading the Variety section of the Sunday paper this morning. There is a section titled "Face Time" which showcases scenes from events around the metro area.
 In reviewing the pictures of a recent event, I noticed that the majority of individuals had their name badges placed on the wrong (left) side. Of those where the name badges were visible, 11 out of 16 (almost 70%) had it placed incorrectly.

Name badges are placed on the Right side. As we shake hands with our right hand, our eyes naturally gravitate to the right shoulder. Avoid making the other person search for your name tag by placing it on your right shoulder. This small nuance can help in building the comfort level of both you and the individual you are meeting.

And by all means, never place the name badge in the center or on a hip pocket which causes the other person to look to your nether regions for your name. Oh my!